Canada's Multi-Pronged Response to the Covid-19 Outbreak
This year the world is faced with a new global challenge of novel coronavirus, a strategy for responding to which each country has developed its own. For many countries, the spread of COVID-19 has highlighted problems and exposed weaknesses that have become more pronounced every month. Canada is no exception. Despite the developed economy, strong democratic institutions and effective governance at the federal, provincial and territorial levels, the pandemic has become a threat not only to people’s lives, but also to the economic and political systems. The federal government, as well as provincial and territorial authorities were placed in unprecedented conditions when it was necessary to make tough decisions on the introduction of restrictive measures (including a ban on mass events, restrictions on freedom of movement, mandatory quarantine for visitors) and at the same time timely financial support for the Canadian population. The federal center, together with regional authorities – provinces and territories – have formed an integral system of response measures in various areas, including support mechanisms for individuals (students, elderly people, persons with disabilities, indigenous people, etc.), Canadian NGOs, business – community, various sectors of the economy – from agriculture to energy. Also a system of timely exchange of information and data, increasing the dynamism and efficiency of political decision-making process was launched. This article is about the multidimensional focus of Canada's response to the COVID-19 outbreak, plans for responding to the new challenge at the federal and provincial-territorial levels, and how politically effective the federal government's decisions have been.
For citation:
Solyanova M. Canada's Multi-Pronged Response to the Covid-19 Outbreak. Analysis & Forecasting. IMEMO Journal, 2020, no 3, pp. 65-76.