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Author Guidelines
Analysis and Forecasting. IMEMO Journal


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We draw our authors’ attention to the design requirements for submitted manuscripts. The aim is to make main points and conclusions of published articles accessible to a wider audience, in particular foreign and not Russian-speaking. English annotation to the article (Abstract) and a list of literature used be the author (References) are of a special importance, because they’re exactly what should draw attention to the article. It’s in the author’s interest to ensure a maximum possible quality.

Main aspects

Manuscripts should be sent to the editorial board in a digitally via an online form ( Uploaded to the system file must be in a Microsoft Word format (with *.doc, *.docx or *.rtf extension). File with the text of the article, loaded to the manuscript submission, must contain all the information for publication (this includes images and tables). The journal accepts manuscripts both in Russian and English.

Images (schemes, diagrams, etc.) ought not to be copies or scans from some other sources, articles in English must not have images with legends written in Russian.

Tables must have headings, while images need captions.

Recommended total article size – not exceeding 1 printed sheet (40 thousand signs, with spaces), which includes tables, footnotes and references. Word count can be seen with the help of Word menu (‘File’ – ‘Properties’ – ‘Details’). In instances when, according to the author’s opinion, the exciding article size is justified and cannot be reduced, the decision whether to publish the article would be made on the editorial board meeting after the recommendation from the reviewer / reviewers.

Page parameters: top margin 3 cm, bottom 2 cm, left 3.5 cm, right 2 cm.

The font: 12 pt Times New Roman.

Indent of the first line – 1.25 cm; line spacing in the main text – 1.5 pt.

Article title – 16 pt, bold, centered, in capital letters.

Highlights in the text can be done ONLY by bolding or italicizing, but NOT by underlining. It’s necessary to free the text from all repetitive spaces and excessive line breaks (automatically through Microsoft Word ‘find and replace’).

© 2022 A.A. Author – 16 pt, bold, centered, lowercase.

Subheadings within the article 12 pt, regular font style, capital letters.

Footnotes: 11 pt font, line spacing 1 pt, without indentation.

Without applying automatic hyphenation.

Main type of quotation marks: ‘ ’.

Written in English headings have all the significant words starting with A CAPITAL LETTER.

Article structure

The article is loosely divided into four blocks.

Requirements for annotations

Annotation must be informative (free from general words), insightful (reflecting the article’s core content, describing main goals and methods of conducting the research, summarizing the most essential research results and their scientific value), structured by meaning: relevance, aim, materials and methods, results, conclusion (don’t write the headings themselves), and have major points outlined in the work; represent author’s view on the manuscript’s problem in question, taking into account the analyzed material obtained results; let the reader understand uniqueness of the present article (research or scientific review) – what distinguishes this one from similar works.

Keywords in Russian (up to 10). Key words need to contribute to article’s indexation in search engines and pairwise align between their English and Russian versions.

Additional information (in Russian, in English or in both languages)

Information about conflict of interest. Authors should disclose potential and obvious conflicts of interest, regarding the manuscript. Conflict of interest can be called any situation (financial ties, service or work in an institution that has financial or political interest in published materials, job duties, etc.) that is able to influence the author of the manuscript and could lead to hiding or twisting the data or result in changing data’s interpretation. Conflict of interest being present in one or several authors of an article is NOT a pretext to deny the publishing. The editorial board revealing the authors’ cover-up of potential and obvious conflicts of interest can be a reason to refuse the manuscript to be reviewed and published.

Information about funding. It is required to state what the source of funding both for the scientific work and publication process was (foundation, profit or government organization, individual, etc.). Specifying the amount of funding is not required.

Acknowledgments. Authors may express their gratitude to people and organizations which contributed to the article’s publication in the journal, but were not among authors.

Information about each author’s contribution (and those in ‘acknowledgements’ segment). Example: Authors’ role: I. Ivanov – concept and study design; P. Petrov – gathering and processing materials; S. Sidorov – analysis of gathered data, writing the text. 

Information on the article in the English language:

 TITLE (IN ENG.). The English title must be grammatically correct in terms of the English language, all while being totally matching the Russian title.

Full name, e-mail, ORCID. Full name should be written in accordance with foreign passport, or in the same way as in previously published foreign articles. First-time publishing authors and those without a foreign passport should use a BSI transliteration standard (see below).

Affiliation / affiliations of author(s) (place of work, indicating structural department, full postal address). It’s needed to state an OFFICIAL NAME OF THE INSTITUTION IN ENGLISH.

Detailed annotation (abstract). Article’s annotation’s English version (summary) needs to fully, meaningfully and structurally (Aim, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions – the headings themselves are not obligatory), meet the Russian version and be literate in terms of the English language, having 250-300 words.

Keywords: (up to 10).

About the author / authors:

Full name, scientific degree, scientific rank, position  /positions.

III. Text of the article.


All sources (publicistic, official, archival, mass media reports, etc., including material on the Internet that are not scientific nor analytical) are indicated in the footnotes in their original language. Scientific literature (monographies and articles in scientific editions) is provided in bibliography after the main text of the article.

References to sources in the list of used literature in numbered consecutively, in order of their first appearance in the text. The number, assigned during the first mention, is pinned to a source, and is used again in case of recurrent citation. It is prohibited to duplicate the same source under different numbers in the list. Referrals to several sources under the same number in the list of references is not allowed. References in the text, tables and captions to images are done with Arabic numerals [in square brackets] and, if necessary, specific page/pages is/are indicated. For instance: [2, pp. 8-9], where 2 – reference number, 8-9 – quote range. Page-by-page are only footnotes (comments, additions, etc.). References associated only with tables or images’ captions have to be numerated in accordance with the first mention in the text of particular table or image.

The list of all used in the article literature is given in Latin alphabet (references in Eng., Fr. and Ger. – in original, in other languages, including Russian, titles must be translated in English while indicating the original language in the brackets. Authors’ full names, along with journals and periodicals in Russian, which don’t have an officially registered English title, should be transliterated. Transliteration standard – BSI ONLY (look below for rules and examples).

For automatic transliteration to Latin alphabet, it’s recommended to visit websites like; or (in the last one it’s needed to choose a BSI setting in the window “основной” before use).

Designing footnotes and references

Initials are placed after the author’s / editor’s surname. Surname of the author / editor is written in a regular font, after editor’s full name, separated by a comma – ed. (singular) или eds. (plural).

In a book (monography, collection) it is obligatory to indicate the year, place of publication, publisher, total number of pages.

An article (in a journal, in a newspaper)

An article in the Eng., Fr., Ger. languages:

Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C. Title of article. Title of Journal, 2005, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 49-53. DOI: 10.3109/10837450.2013.840845

Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C. Title of article. Title of Journal, 2005, vol. 10, no. 2. DOI: 10.3109/10837450.2013.840845. Available at: name of the Internet resource (accessed 00.00.0000).

A book (monography, a collection edited by, an article in a collection, book chapter)

Edition in Eng., Fr., Ger. and other languages:

Joskow P. Competitive Electricity Markets and Investment in New Generating Capacity. Boston, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006. 74 p.

Winch G.M., Onishi M., Schmid S., eds. Taking Stock of PPP and PFI around the World. Lоndon, ACCA, February 2012. 125 p.

Kepel G. Les banlieux de l’Islam. Naissance d’une réligion en France. Paris, Ed. du Seuil, 1987. 424 p.

Beurs C., Klaver J., Witkamp B. Aantrekkelijkheid van Nederland voor kennismigranten. Amsterdam, Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum, 2018. 66 p. [Beurs C., Klaver J., Witkamp B. Attractiveness of the Netherlands for Knowledge Migrants. Amsterdam, Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum, 2018. 66 p. (In Nid.)]

A number of pages is indicated in a monography (235 p.),

In an article – page range where the article is (pp. 220-222).

If a publication has a DOI, it must be specified.

Description of a translated book:

In a book translated into the Russian language the name spelling needs to be in its original variant, not a translated one!

If a translated source is given with no specific pages with a quote, then a foreign origin is stated in square brackets with its imprint:

Киссинджер Г. Дипломатия. Москва, AST Publishers, 2018. 1540 с. [Kissinger H. Diplomacy. New York, Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1994. 1200 p. (In Russ.)]

If the text is given with quote’s concrete page number or the Russian translated edition is not identical to its origin (for instance, only a chapter or a book summary is translated), then it’s needed to state the original edition’s imprint:

Луман Н. Понятие риска. Thesis, 1994, вып. 5, cc. 135-160. [Luhmann N. The Concept of Risk. Thesis, 1994, iss. 5, pp. 135-160. (In Russ.)]

Description of an Internet resource:

APA Style. 2011. Available at: (accessed 05.02.2011).

Кондратьев В.Б. Глобальная фармацевтическая промышленность. [Kondrat'ev V.B. The Global Pharmaceutical Industry. (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 23.06.2013).

Иван Бегтин, создатель проектов в области публичного открытого государства. [Ivan Begtin, the Project Creator in the Field of Public Open State (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 31.01.2014).

If the reference is to a digital mass media or cited periodical, then its name is written in italics:

Бондаренко O. Почему России важна реабилитация сербов. Ведомости, 26.07.2021. [Bondarenko O. Why is the Rehabilitation of Serbs Important for Russia. Vedomosty, 26.07.2021. (In Russ.)] Available at: (accessed 29.07.2021).

When the given article or departmental document is on a website of an organization (not publisher!), the title of the article itself is in italics:

Брифинг официального представителя МИД России М.В. Захаровой, Москва, 22 июля 2021 года. Министерство иностранных дел Российской Федерации. 22.07.21. [Briefing by the Official Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Mikhail Zakharova, Moscow, July 22, 2021. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. 22.07.21. (In Russ.)]. Available at: (accessed 29.07.2021).

NATO Welcomes Stronger Cooperation with the Republic of Korea. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 22.07.2021. Available at: (accessed 29.07.2021).

!!! Documents’ headings in the footnote and the headings of the material opening by clicking on the link, must be completely identical. Digital link leads to a specific document from reference list, and not to a resource’s main page.

!!! Websites must be accessible in Runet without additional extensions (without VPN).    

Description of a thesis:

Ганин А.В. Кадры Генерального штаба в период Гражданской войны в России. Дисс. докт. ист. наук. Москва, 2013. 260 с. [Ganin A.V. General Staff Personnel in the Period During the Civil War in Russia. Dr. Diss. (Hist.)] Moscow, 2013. 260 p.]

Description of an unpublished document:

Latypov A.R., Khasanov M.M., Baikov V.A. Geology and Production (NGT GiD). The Certificate on Official Registration of the Computer Program. No. 2004611198, 2004. (In Russ., unpublished.)

Main comments on the text

Dot is not used after: rubric, article title, author of the article, headings and subheadings, tables’ names, images, dimensions (s – second, g – gram, m – meter, mln – million).

Dot is used after: footnotes (including those in tables), notes to the table, captions to the images.

Writing dates and chronological periods: Examples: ХХ century, 1985–1990. If speaking of decades: 1990s.

Ordinal numerals are written with an ending: 35th kilogram, every 12th submarine, in the 40th state in the list.     

Numbers from one to nine – in words, after 10 – in digits. Example: eight states, five presidents, 82 countries, 15 heads of state.    

Cubic meter (not m3).

Dash is inserted by combination of ‘Ctrl’ button and ‘MINUS’ or by AutoCorrect.

Dash with spaces is used for indicating textual dash: …where d – the length of the segment.

Dash with no spaces means a system, border, dependance, etc., it also connects several surnames, titles, concepts: Clausius–Clapeyron relation, lead–tin–tellurium system, Altai–Sayan zone; January–February 1992.

Hyphen without spaces: professor M.M. Gusev-Lebedev, DRONE-3 device.

Hyphen with spaces is never used.

Some nuances

1. With a capital letter starts:

First and Second World Wars, Third World, Brexit, Cold War. 

2. Titles of firms, organizations, etc., need to be in their original language: Nokia, Microsoft, Le Mond, BMW. If the original title is not in European language (Chinese, Farsi, etc., that have non-Latin writing), then it should be accompanied by a translation.    

Titles of official agencies, institutions, departments, commissions have to be transcribed in full, according to the formal name when first mentioning them.

3. When you first mention any personalia, their position is written in full, according to official sources, it’s clarified whether its relevance is up-to-date: Former President of the United States Barack Obama (2009–2017), the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.     

4. Write decimals (0.1; 0.9; 2.3) with a dot.

5. If listing: 10%, 20, 30% per cent symbol is written only in the first and the last instances, or, alternatively, in brackets before the series of numbers (%): 10; 20; 30.

6. Proper nouns in the text. If we bring up any persona for the first time, we indicate their position, full name: Federal Chancellor of the FRG Angela Merkel. Then, we reduce the name to an initial – A. Merkel, if being mentioned frequently – Merkel. For Russian names, patronyms are generally skipped (exceptions – fiction, biographies): first mentioning – the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Afterwards – V. Putin. It’s possible to use initials in the first situation if full name is unknown or it’s not fundamentally important (no namesake to confuse with).

In bibliographic reviews while listing the researchers working on the subject, initials are also enough. For Russian-speaking ones it’s preferable to use initials with a patronym. Example: works of renowned Napoleon Bonaparte’s biographers such as J. Tulard [1], T. Lentz [2], E.V. Tarle [3], A.Z. Manfred [4] are cited in the article.

The editorial board has the right to return the manuscript to its author in order to meet the above-mentioned standards for bibliographic references.


Tables should be put in the text of the article; they need to have a numerated heading and clearly designated graphs that are easy to read. Table’s data must meet the digits in the text, although they ought not to duplicate the information presented in it. References to the tables are obligatory for the text.


The amount of graphic materials is minimal (excluding works where it’s justified by the research’s nature). Every image must be accompanied by a numbered caption under it. There ought to be references to the images in the text. Illustrations (graphs, diagrams, schemes, sketches) made with MS Office need to be contrasting and clear.

Illustrations have to be in a separate file and be saved as an image (*.jpeg, *.bmp, *.gif formats), and after that be inserted into the file of the manuscript as a fixated picture. It is unacceptable to add any elements on a placed in manuscript’s file picture (arrows, captions) using MS WORD, since the risk of them getting lost during editing and doing a layout.

Photographs, screenshots and other not drawn illustrations need to be incorporated into the text of the manuscript in *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.gif file formats (*.doc and *.docx – in case additional notes were made on the images). Image’s resolution must be >300 dpi.

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