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Human Capital: Discussing One More Time
Analysis and Forecasting. IMEMO Journal
E. Rashkovsky (review)

Human Capital: Discussing One More Time

DOI: 10.20542/afij-2022-2-76-82
Received 19.01.2022. 
Revised 14.04.2022. 
Accepted 20.07.2022.

The article presents an analytical report concerning the latest session of a regular ongoing inter-institute scientific seminar ‘Modern Development Problems’ of IMEMO’s Center of Development and Modernization Studies (CDMS), this one was dedicated to general theoretical questions in modernization and development and took place on December 14, 2021. The seminar was held by CDMS’s principal researcher, Dr. Sci. (Hist.). Eugene B. RASHKOVSKY. Principal presentation called ‘Human Capital’s Role in Factor System of Economic Growth in Developed and Developing Countries’ was given by the head of International Economic Relations Department of IAAS of MSU, Prof., Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vitaly A. MELYANTSEV. Those participating in the workshopstaff members of IMEMO along with Russia’s leading scientific and educational institutions like Institute of Oriental Studies, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, MGIMO and others  – have discussed a relevant and overlooked in our times problem of human capital as a basis in postmodern development. During the seminar not only the importance of econometric approach to this problem was proved, but also a necessity of its introduction in a broader context of contemporary socio-humanistic knowledge. Furthermore, problems such as state and social support, preserving and increasing human capital were recognized as a priority in modern growth on national level, as well as regional and global ones. Human capital is acknowledged as one of essential factors ensuring both continuity and perspectives of every complex development processes. Erosion and/or loss of continuity and upcoming possibilities of human capital could threaten our world with severe socioeconomic, moral and cultural consequences. The review was prepared by Eugene B. Rashkovsky, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Principal Researcher, Group of Theoretical Problems of Modernization, Center of Development and Modernization Studies (

For citation:

Rashkovsky E. (review) Human Capital: Discussing One More Time. Analysis & Forecasting. IMEMO Journal, 2022, no 2, pp. 76-82.

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