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Editorial Policy
Analysis and Forecasting. IMEMO Journal

The publisher, the editorial board and the editorial staff abide by the open access policy, implying that all the published articles’ text are being published on the journal’s website, along with being published on collaborating digital libraries and scientometric databases. It is possible to use fragments of published articles in other works if the author and the source of publication are indicated, but copying for distribution, including posting articles’ full text on the Internet, is permitted only with the approval from the editorial staff and the publisher.

The journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge (open license Creative Commons ).

Publications are licensed by Creative Commons International Public License: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), which allows unrestricted use of works for non-commercial purposes, subject to attribution.

Under this license, the potential activities are:

  • share – copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format;
  • adapt – transform and build upon the material.

The following terms are mandatory:

  • ‘Attribution’ – one must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.
  • ‘NonCommercial’ – one is not allowed to use the material for commercial purposes.
  • No additional restrictions – one is not allowed to apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


  • One does not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where one’s use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation.
  • There are no warranties that the license gives one all of the permissions necessary for one’s intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity and privacy rights may limit how one uses the material.

The materials of vol. 2 and vol. 3 in 2024 were licensed by Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

The authors can become those who carry out a study on their own and present it in a format needed for a publication to be considered scientific and aligned with the journal’s specialization. An article getting approved for publication depends solely on its scientific significance and originality, on findings made. A work submitted to the journal must meet scientific ethics norms, also, there must be no plagiarism. Previously published articles are not accepted.

The editorial staff are free to refuse to accept the author’s manuscript for publication before the review process if the manuscript does not correspond to the journal’s scope, has plagiarism, improper references, is already published fully or partially, is considered for publication elsewhere (major violations of scientific ethics) or in other cases that go against scientific ethics norms.

Materials that see the light of day accord with the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation ‘On the Mass Media’ No. 2124-1 of 27 December 1991 (Закон Российской Федерации от 27 декабря 1991 г. № 2124-1 «О средствах массовой информации»), and information in them is allowed to circulate among aged 12 and above, according to the demands of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation ‘On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to their Health and Development’ No. 436-Ф3 of 29 December 2010 (Федеральный закон Российской Федерации № 436–ФЗ от 29 декабря 2010 г. «О защите детей от информации, причиняющей вред их здоровью и развитию»).

The editorial staff oblige to ensure equal rights of all authors and the absence of any privileges during the review process, preparing for publishing and the articles’ publication. Members of the editorial council, the editorial board and editorial staff present articles for consideration in an order without any preferences.

The article that violates scientific ethics norms greatly, and if such violations were discovered after its publication, can be removed by the editorial council’s decision. Information regarding the article’s removal should be published on the official website of the journal. Documents that are the proof of the violation of scientific ethics norms have to be kept for three years after the violation was detected.

The editorial staff does not allow the following people to take part in reviewing the manuscripts: scientific supervisors (consultants) of research conducted by the author; staff members of the organizations where the author carries out professional activities; and others who have a direct or indirect interest in getting the submitted to the journal manuscript published.

Members of the editorial council and editorial board are invited as reviewers, as well as other highly qualified scientists and specialists with profound professional knowledge and work experience in a specific field of science. The journal follows a double-blind review process for submitted texts.

Stages of the Review Process

Five working days after the submission of the manuscript, the author gets a notification that the manuscript was received and included in the review cycle.

From the moment of being sent for reviewing, the process of preparing a review starts, and it must include the following criteria for assessing the material:

1) scientific novelty of the research;
2) scientific significance of the research topic;
3) originality (self-reliance) of the study, conclusions that were made, validity of the author’s methods;
4) relevance of the chosen methodology, of the conducted research;
5) validity of a scientific hypothesis proposed by the author and the applicability of the findings;
6) perspectives for a future usage of the concept proposed by the author, prospects of his/her ideas and methods in further fundamental and applied scientific research;
7) manuscript’s style being compliant with the requirements for scientific publications, including proper use of terms and concepts, application of scientific methods to support a statement on research problems.

In a final report done within 20 working days after receiving the manuscript for a review, the reviewer formulates a recommendation to either accept the manuscript for publication or refuse. The decision is made in accordance with the assessment criteria.

After the review is received by the editorial staff, the author should get a response within 30 working days with one of the following wordings used in the reasoned decision:

1) recommend for publishing with no revision;
2) recommend for publishing while acknowledging corrections and suggestions that were made;
3) recommend a substantial revision with a second round of review;
4) refuse to publish.

The editorial staff does not provide full texts of the reviews, the author only gets suggestions that should improve the article and help align it with the editorial policy.


The Editorial Staff

The editorial staff’s work is guided by the scientific ethics norms and all the necessary measures to ensure these norms are taken, among other things, with the help of the following guarantees:

– rejecting discrimination of authors in any shape or form, including on the basis of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, age, etc;
– informing the authors about the submission of their manuscript for consideration (by e-mail or through the form on the journal’s website) within five working days from receiving it;
– ensuring a qualified review process of the manuscript, meanwhile the review is anonymous both for the reviewer and the author (double-blind review method);
– confidentiality of all information and data presented by the authors, with the exception of information and data that belong in published articles, including author’s name, his/her position and place of work, e-mail address;
– preventing the manuscripts and the study results in them from unauthorized usage, which includes distribution and reproduction, up to the moment when such manuscripts are to be published on the basis of agreements with the authors;
– timely informing the authors about remarks in the review that have to be addressed;
– the timeframe for editing the articles, according to the remarks of the reviewer, is set, as agreed by the author and the editorial staff;
– publication of the articles approved by the reviewers is free of charge and does not involve any fees or commissions from the authors, and at the same time those who publish do not get paid.


For the purpose of the present policy, the author is considered the one who, during the creative process, considering scientific ethics norms and requirement for scientific publications, self-reliantly conducted research and presented its results in a form of a manuscript. Those who directly or indirectly took part in preparing and conducting a study or in getting results presented there, can be indicated in the article along with the extent of their participation.

The authors who submit their manuscripts for publication confirm that their actions do not violate third party rights and they understand the need to recover damages caused by their possible lack of integrity. In the event of violating editorial policy’s provisions, the editorial staff is free to stop any kind of cooperation with the author. The transfer of rights is done on the basis of the licensing agreement with the author.

When submitting the manuscript to the editorial staff, the author guarantees:

– integrity of collecting and interpreting scientific evidence and data;
– the text was not previously published fully or partially, including by the author himself/herself, it is original and does not contain deliberately false information and wrong references;
– that he/she did not in the past, and would not in the future, sign any agreements with other publishers that involve transferring the rights of the article submitted to the journal before the final decision made by the editorial staff of ‘Analysis and Forecasting. IMEMO Journal / Анализ и прогноз. Журнал ИМЭМО РАН’;
– incorrectly structured references being absent altogether;
– mentioning everyone (co-authors) who have taken part in getting presented study results and writing the text, all according to their contribution;
– full and precise citation of scientific works used while writing the article;
– timely responding to the remarks and suggestions of the editorial staff during all stages of the review cycle.


While cooperating with the journal, reviewers ensure the implication of the editorial policy and scientific ethics norms with the following guarantees:

– warn of a possible conflict of interests before beginning reviewing;
– protect the confidentiality of the reviewed materials and the decisions that are being made;
– present a review that is as unbiased and reasonable as possible, done according to the form provided by the editorial staff;
– meet the deadlines set by the editorial policy and agree the timeframe with the editorial staff;
– inform the editor in due time of not being able to prepare a review on a manuscript’s topic, explaining the reasoning;
– to the best of their knowledge, inform the editorial staff about false information and data, incorrect references and other violations of scientific ethics norms present in the manuscript accepted for review.

© IMEMO 2025